incompatible adj. 1.不相容的,难两立的,矛盾的 (with)。 2.【医学】配伍禁忌的。 3.不能配合的。 She asked for a divorce because they were utterly incompatible. 她请求离婚,因为他们完全合不来。 incompatible colours 不调和的色彩。 n. -bility ,-bly adv.
The chinese medicines used in combination must be mutually compatible . the so - called " eighteen incompatible medicaments " and " nineteen medicaments of mutual antagonism " describe the specific chinese herbs which cannot be used together in a prescription . otherwise , toxic effects will be resulted 中药之间的配合,有十八反、十九畏之说,即是某些中药不可配合使用,否则有可能产生毒性反应或副作用。